Thursday, November 24, 2005

Blog - what does it mean, really?

I dunno.

Seems to be just a personnal webpage with no commercial purpose wherein one can prattle on about the events or lack thereof in one's life.

Or, perhaps it's a place where some talented soul can display their fruits.

Maybe it's a vent, a cathartic or a therapuetic exercise.....

A lot of folks I know seem to have them, and one in particular actually got me to
read theirs. I would have read it a lot sooner if I'd known it was there.

But here it is, Thanksgiving Day 2005. We've done the feast and get together - I'm quite miserable in the aftereffects of my gluttony. Now I have three whole days of weekend - this is a very good thing. I've been working six days a week for most of the year and so it's been a while since I've had even the "normal" two day weekend. So, thanks to my friend, I shall use some of this time to start one of these blog things.

Don't know how dedicated I'll be; right now a blog is pretty far down my list of things to do; so, we shall see.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the 'otherside'! ;-)
Hope it last's more than 2 days!

2:54 PM  
Blogger bhd said...

You must really, really hate me, what with the white on black. The contrast is killing me. Is this part of your evil plan?

11:08 PM  
Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

EXCELLENT! i was wondering when you would dive in. :jump:

can 't wait to see what you do with it blue eyes. adding you to my links.

11:10 PM  
Blogger Alexandra said...

Mine's not very dedicated either....nor is my reading of others. Damn it--if only I could buy more time. But glad you're on board!

11:17 PM  
Blogger An Urban Femme said...

You've turned! I'm sure glad you did. ;)

Bloggers - 1. Purists - 0.

7:20 PM  

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