Sunday, July 09, 2006

A Poll don'tcha love polls!?

If I ask if you're happy, how would you answer?

"Hey, go fuck yourself - it's nunna yer damn bidness!"

Yes, you might say that. However, this is my blog and I'm asking. Not only am I asking, I'm limiting your reply to a simple yes or no. Certainly there are things in everyone's life they're happy about, and other things, well, not so much. I'm not asking if you love your job, your mate, your kids, your dog, cat or the cool electronic gadget you couldn't wait to show off to all your friends. Neither am I asking if you are manic depressive, bipolar or just Catholic. I'm asking if you are happy - yes or no.

No, I won't tell you my own answer. Again, this is my blog and I make up the rules - pretty much as I go along. Now, let's see some single syllable replies! chop chop!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


-Eric AKA ptooey

8:26 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...


6:53 PM  
Blogger newwavegurly said...

I don't wanna answer in a single syllable.

And since you make the rules, being this is YOUR blog, I'm just going to refrain from answering the question.

But it did get me thinking.

4:14 PM  
Blogger bhd said...

I think nwg is making a pass at you.

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:37 AM  
Blogger ellipsis said...

yes. And content. Mostly.

4:53 PM  

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