Wednesday, August 09, 2006

morning thoughts

it's wednesday, hump day. i've risen, had breakfast, (eggs & sausage prepared by my son) showered, shaved; all that stuff. now i've got a few minutes of peace and quiet before i head for the office. fox news is on - not because i subscribe to their spin on things, but because the lovely e.d. hill is very easy to look at - hey, i'm a guy; sue me.

in a few minutes i'll begin my fifteen mile commute through the lunatic traffic and hope i survive one more trip. when i reach the office i'll get coffee, log on to the computers and start to work. it pays the rent, i suppose. my rut is dark and deep.

at the end of the day, i'll brave the traffic again, change clothes and head for the gym. this part of my day i enjoy a bit. i've been going now for about five weeks after not having visited a gym in well over twenty years and it is, in fact, doing some good. i've cut out a lot of the processed crap i was previously consuming, quit smoking and am generally feeling about one hundred percent better, physically.

i'm even feeling a bit better spiritually. i've decided to make some changes in my life and it seems that simply taking the decision is, in itself, a very positive force. i have some goals again, and am moving toward them - this is more than I've had in a long time. i'll let you know how things turn out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds good!

7:10 AM  
Blogger bhd said...

Oh, I'm going to pop some corn and pull up a comfy seat. This is going to be good. I'm sure of it.

10:14 AM  

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