Friday, December 16, 2005


Sat with S for a while this evening and tried to be a comfort. She went to the doctor this morning to get her blood glucose checked and learn how to use her new meter. Her type 2 diabeties has, in all likelihood, been brought on by the steroids she's been on for about 2 years to help combat the colitis. Sometimes the cure is as bad as the disease.

She's just tired; tired of being sick and tired. Though I can't begin to imagine how she feels, I can try. I can do my best to be compassionate and understanding, to let her know I love her. The new treatment for the colitis (Remicade) seems to be working well, and the doctor is slowly weening her off the steroid; so this is good. He hopes that this incredibly expensive treatment will cure her, ultimately. We hope he's right.

Life isn't much fun these days, S rarely has the strength to go out after a day at the office; and she misses a fair number of those. The medical bills, even with insurance, have consumed what little disposable income we had anyway. Thank God for the ferrets; they're always good for a laugh or two.

All we can do at this point is adhere to the old "this to shall pass" mantra.


Blogger bhd said...

I wish I had something useful to say. :hugs:

6:51 PM  
Blogger Alexandra said...

I do too. Dammit. :hugs:

7:42 AM  
Blogger newwavegurly said...

Why does it seem that those with colitis wind up dealing with other health issues as well? My Mom has had to deal with kidney stones, asthma, and a couple of other things since she was diagnosed with her colitis years ago.

All I can say is that I hope that the new medication helps with everything, and I will keep you both in my thoughts.

3:40 PM  
Blogger An Urban Femme said...

You and your family are in my prayers, David! :hug:

7:18 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Many, many hugs and positive thoughts to you both, Dave!


2:02 PM  

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