Saturday, January 21, 2006

Choral Inspiration

oh what holiness we are
and so fallen

oh what peace we've lost
and blessing awaited

given so much and taken
without thanks or deserving

how far and how madly we wander

seeking that which was in our hands to begin

our pride and our selfishness are our end

what immeasurable glory and peace unimagined have we missed

what obscenity we commit
and call it faith

what bottomless depravity we delve
and call it caring

without our inheritance and given each to his own

how much do we not see and look away in pride

mystery revealed to he who sees not to seek
but only receive


Blogger Michelle said...

For every door that closes another one opens.

Perhaps the one that was lost would not have been what dreams make it out to be.

And, perhaps, it is the not knowing that hurts the worst.

10:19 PM  
Blogger An Urban Femme said...


You're absolutely right. This cuts to the bone. Thank you for sharing.

6:26 AM  

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