Thursday, December 29, 2005

pagan streams

and we walked the pagan streams
and searched for white horses on surrounding hills
we lived where dusk had meaning
and repaired to quiet sleep, where noise abated
in touch with the silence
on Honey Street, on Honey Street

what happened to a sense of wonder
on yonder hillside, getting dim
why didn't they leave us, alone
why couldn't we just be ourselves
we could dream, and keep bees
and live on Honey Street

and we walked the pagan streams
in meditation and contemplation
and we didn't need anybody, or anything
then, no concepts, being free
and I wanna climb that hillside again, with you
one more time

as the great, great, great, great, great, great, great
Being watches over
and we repair, repair, shhh, repair, shhh, we repair
to Honey Street, to Honey Street

- Van Morrison, from the album Hymns to the Silence

I love Van Morrison. He is, perhaps, the greatest poet alive today.

This particular piece is, for me, his most beautiful work, and to hear him recite it is a profound experience which, though I have heard it many times, has lost none of its impact.

It reminds me so much of the innocence of my own youth; a treasure lost but never forgotten....sorely missed.


Blogger Alexandra said...

Amen, brother! Van is the Man! I especially love his lyrics so passionate about nature! And love. He feels things to the core.

Thanks for posting this! *huge, roaring applause*

10:41 PM  

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